Biotechnology, -Omics, Computational Modeling, Bioinformatics and New Methodologies


In situ 13CO2 pulse labelling of field-grown eucalypt trees revealed the effects of potassium nutrition and throughfall exclusion on phloem transport of photosynthetic carbon
Epron, D., Cabral, O. M. R., Laclau, J.-P., Dannoura, M., Packer, A. P., Plain, C., Battie-Laclau, P., Moreira, M. Z., Trivelin, P. C. O., Bouillet, J.-P., Gerant, D., Nouvellon, Y.
Tree Physiol (2015) doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpv090

Volatile organic compounds as non-invasive markers for plant phenotyping
B. Niederbacher, J.B. Winkler, and J.P. Schnitzler
J. Exp. Bot. (2015) 66 (18): 5403-5416 doi:10.1093/jxb/erv219

A state-space modeling approach to estimating canopy conductance and associated uncertainties from sap flux density data
D. M. Bell, E. J. Ward, A. C. Oishi, R. Oren, P. G. Flikkema and J. S. Clark
Tree Physiol (2015) 35 (7): 792-802 doi:10.1093/treephys/tpv041

Position-Specific Gene Expression Analysis Using a Microgram Dissection Method Combined with On-Bead cDNA Library Construction
T. Kajiyama, A. Fujii, K. Arikawa, T. Habu, N. Mochizuki, A. Nagatani, and H. Kambara
Plant Cell Physiol (2015) 56 (7): 1320-1328

Testing models for the leaf economics spectrum with leaf and whole-plant traits in Arabidopsis thaliana
B. Blonder, F. Vasseur, C. Violle, B. Shipley, B. J. Enquist, and D. Vile
AoB Plants (2015) 7: plv049  doi:10.1093/aobpla/plv049

Triticeae Resources in Ensembl Plants
D. M. Bolser, A. Kerhornou, B. Walts, and P. Kersey
Plant Cell Physiol (2015) 56 (1): e3

Multigene Knockout Utilizing Off-Target Mutations of the CRISPR/Cas9 System in Rice
M. Endo, M. Mikami, and S. Toki
Plant Cell Physiol (2015) 56 (1): 41-47

Network epidemiology and plant trade networks
M. Pautasso and M. J. Jeger
AoB Plants (2014) 6: plu007  doi:10.1093/aobpla/plu007

Special issues

New Emerging Technologies for the Study of Plant Environmental Sensing
Plant Cell Physiol (2015) 56 (7)

Modeling Strategies for Plant Survival & Growth
Plant Cell Physiol (2015) 56 (4)

Plant Cell Physiol (2015) 56 (1)


Building Bioinformatics Solutions Second Edition
Conrad Bessant, Darren Oakley, and Ian Shadforth

Getting Started with R
Andrew P. Beckerman and Owen L. Petchey

The New Statistics with R
Andy Hector

The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Nathalie Pettorelli